A Bright Tomorrow: How to Face the Future Without Fear




A Bright Tomorrow: How to Face the Future Without Fear is the latest title by pastor and author Jared Mellinger. Although this book was released in 2018, I’m not sure that it’s ever been more relevant. Mellinger begins the book by sharing with readers about receiving the difficult news that one of his daughters was diagnosed with cancer early in life. Although the book wasn’t originally intended to be shaped by that hardship, it just so happened to occur in the midst of Mellinger writing the book.

It was sweet to read about how God worked through that difficult trial to help Mellinger and his wife lift their eyes to Christ. I always appreciate the opportunity to learn something from someone who practices what they preach. Rather than this being the sort of book in which the author takes an attitude of dishing out advice without heeding it, Mellinger’s tone seems to be more aligned with the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”

A Bright Tomorrow begins with encouragement for facing the storms of life and proceeds with encouragement for specific scenarios and seasons. In the earliest pages of the book, Mellinger wrote, “Our fretful anticipation of trouble is often more troubling than the trouble itself. Therefore, our need is not so much to be delivered from the presence of trials as it is to be delivered from our fears of the future,” (pg. 10). Read more of my review here.