Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat




Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat is a gospel-centered tale for children. The story derives its title from the first question of the Heidelberg Catechism which asks, “What is your only comfort in life and death?” Sophie, the titular character, is a girl children can likely relate to. When we meet her, she is pictured on her bedroom floor crying as the result of her sinful actions toward her sister that day. She observes through her window a white cat who belongs to her neighbors, the Heidelbergs.  Written in rhyme, the story follows Sophie and her conversation with the Heidelberg’s cat as they walk along the neighborhood rooftops discussing what it looks like to live a life of devotion to Jesus. The cat explains to Sophie that although she made sinful choices throughout the day, great hope and grace awaits her in Jesus Christ. Some of my favorite words spoken by the cat include: “The Bible tells us stories of hundreds of people, and all of them disobey God . . . except one. So hope doesn’t come from the good things we do. It comes as a gift, from what Jesus has done. You’ve trusted in him, so he’s paid for your sins, and thrown them all into the depths of the sea. By rising again, he has broken the power of death, and the devil, and let you go free. He watches your life. He makes all things work out. He helps you make choices. He tells you what’s true. He promises you’ll live forever with him. And that’s why the hope comes from him, not from you.” Read my full review here.