
In Our Book Basket: February

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There are many occasions to celebrate in February including Valentine’s Day and Black History Month. Many of our picks in our book basket for February will complement my oldest daughter’s US history lessons for second grade. Reading is my favorite pastime and I’m grateful for the joy of passing that love to my children and helping them learn through a variety of books! Here are some of the books in our book basket for February. You can download a printable list of the books by clicking the link below.

1. Abraham Lincoln

I learned about the d’Aulaire biographies from some homeschool accounts I follow on Instagram. I love the illustrations in these biographies and how in depth they are. Since February includes President’s Day and it’s also Black History Month, I added this book to our basket so my girls can learn about Abraham Lincoln and his contributions to ending the Civil War.

2. Betsey Stockton

The Do Great Things for God series by The Good Book Company highlights Christian women throughout history who lived faithful lives for Christ. This book is about Betsey Stockton who was born enslaved but upon becoming free decided to be a missionary. This is an encouraging and important read about a lesser known woman and I’m excited to include it in our book basket. You can download worksheets to accompany this book here.

3. Clifford’s First Valentine’s Day


This is a short story about Clifford’s first Valentine’s Day with Emily Elizabeth. I grew up reading the Clifford books and enjoy reading them with my kids too. We received this book as a gift years ago and now it’s a regular in our February book basket.

4. Fannie Lou Hamer


This is the latest release in the Do Great Things for God series and is so fitting for reading during Black History Month. Fannie Lou Hamer loved God and was a woman who acted with conviction. A neat resource I found that pairs well with this book is her album on Spotify. You can listen to Fannie sing and speak about what was occurring during the civil rights movement. Free worksheets to accompany the book are available here.

5. God Made Me and You

This is a wonderful children’s book by Christian rapper, Shai Linne. God Made Me and You helps children understand that every person is created in God’s image. I highly recommend the accompanying album. If you want to learn more about this book, you can read my review here.

6. God’s Very Good Idea

This book helps young readers understand how God created all humans in His image. The gospel message is weaved throughout this story and it teaches children that there is hope for salvation in Jesus even for those who’ve mistreated others because they are different. You can download coloring sheets featuring some of the book’s illustrations here. You can listen to a read aloud of the book by its author here.

7. Hand to Hold

This is a sweet story by singer and songwriter, JJ Heller. Since February is a month often focused on love, I thought it would be fun to include books about different types of love, including love between children and their parents, in our book basket. My girls love this book and enjoy listening to the eponymous song on their JJ Heller Yoto card. The story brings tears to my eyes and the illustrations are so lovely!

8. Happy Valentine’s Day, Curious George

In this book, Curious George and some of his friends gather to make Valentine’s cards. He ends up falling asleep in an unusual spot in the process and all his friends are glad to see him again when the man with the yellow hat discovers his unique hiding place.

9. Last Stop on Market Street

This book tells the story of CJ, a young boy who explores his city with his nana. CJ begins to wonder why the way he and his nana do things is so different from the way other people do things. In the end, he learns a valuable lesson about finding beauty in unexpected places. I love when the nana says, “Sometimes, when you’re surrounded by dirt, CJ, you’re a better witness for what’s beautiful.” This reminds me of God’s mercy in that we still see glimpses of His beauty although we live in a broken world. The illustrations in this book are absolutely lovely and while this is in our February book basket, it’s a great read year round.

10. Little Blue Truck’s Valentine

In this story, Little Blue Truck distributes Valentine’s cards to his friends. He begins to think he won’t receive any in return but in the end, he is surprised by how much his friends truly care about him. This is a sweet book I bought for my son last year and it is now a regular in our book basket for February.

11. Love You Forever

I remember my mom reading this book to me when I was very young. I’ve been reading it with my children for years and it’s hard to read it without being moved to tears. This book is from the perspective of a mother who observes her son throughout different developmental stages. She often reminds him that she’ll love him forever which is what he ends up saying to his own daughter once he is grown.

12. Mama Kisses, Papa Hugs

In this book, a boy’s parents talk to him about the ways animal parents show love to their babies. He thinks he may be getting too old to receive kisses and hugs from his parents but after learning about how God shows love to us, he decides he isn’t too old after all. This is a simple story with lovely illustrations.

13. Maria Fearing

Maria Fearing was enslaved as a child and upon becoming free as an adult, she traveled to Congo to fight for freedom for other children. She loved God and adopted many children and taught them about God. This book is a lovely dedication to her life and legacy. I love the pictures and the book concludes with questions to prompt further discussion. You can download free resources to accompany your reading here and you can read my full review of this book here.

14. Martin’s Big Words

This book gives children a brief but meaningful look at Martin Luther’s life and the important role he played in the civil rights movement. I love the artwork and enjoy reading this one to my kids.

15. Pretzel

Pretzel is a sweet love story between two dachshunds and is by the creators of Curious George. My girls love this tale and I’ve found that I enjoy it too.

16. St. Valentine

This story provides young readers with a historical view of St. Valentine. I purchased a used copy of this book last year to supplement our homeschool curriculum and my girls enjoyed reading it. The mosaic artwork is unique and well done and makes the story especially compelling.

17. The Berenstain Bears’ Valentine Treasury

This volume contains three of The Berenstain Bears Living Lights Collection books about love. These stories differ from the original Berenstain Bears books that many of us grew up reading. The stories bring in Scripture which I appreciate. Although it’s not always used in the most faithful way, I see it as an opportunity to expose my children to Scripture and expound on what a verse means when we come across it. My kids really enjoy the stories in this collection in addition to the original Berenstain Bears books.

18. The Big Wide Welcome

This book expounds on James 2 in which James warned against the sin of partiality. It helps little ones understand that churches ought to be welcoming because Jesus welcomed all kinds of people. You can read my review of The Big Wide Welcome here and watch Trillia Newbell, the author, read it aloud here. Coloring sheets featuring some of the book’s illustrations can be downloaded here (this one is especially fitting for Valentine’s Day) and here.

19. The Legend of the Valentine

The Legend of the Valentine is the perfect children’s book for February. This story follows a young, fictional boy named Marcus who begins attending a white school during the civil rights movement in Alabama. Marcus has a hard time in school and is teased for various reasons leading him to conclude that he hates the school bully, Travis. His grandmother gently reminds him that Jesus says to love our enemies. As his grandma begins to sit with Marcus and make Valentine’s Day cards with him for his classmates, she uses the opportunity to teach him about the history of Valentine’s Day. This book is older and no longer being printed so we purchased a used copy.

20. The Night Before Valentine’s Day

My girls greatly enjoy the Thanksgiving version of this book so I had to get the Valentine’s one for them. In this story, students prepare their classroom for a Valentine’s Day party.

21. The Oldest Student

This book is about the life of Mary Walker, a slave girl who becomes free at 15 but has no resources to truly enjoy her freedom. Mary spent her childhood working long hours to help care for her family. Upon meeting some evangelists Mary was handed a Bible and told that it contained her civil rights. Mary couldn’t read when she received the Bible but noticing that it was full of words, she determined that one day she would.

As she grew older and became a mother to three sons, she made marks in her Bible to commemorate each son’s birth. At 114, Mary had outlived her family and decided to attend a reading class. Being the oldest student in the class, Mary worked extremely hard and learned how to read and was celebrated by many. Mary lived to be 121 years old and left quite the legacy. This story is touching and inspiring and I’m so excited to have it in our February book basket.

22. The Story of Ruby Bridges

This is a lovely retelling of the life and legacy of Ruby Bridges. It is simple enough for little ones to understand and I enjoy the beautiful illustrations. This book moves me to tears and I’m so grateful for how well it tells Ruby’s story.

23. The Story of Valentine’s Day

This book details the origins of Valentine’s Day in different countries and cultures. It contains many facts that were new to me and I’m looking forward to reading it with my girls.

24. The Valentine Bears

This is a sweet story about two bears who disrupt their hibernation to celebrate Valentine’s Day together. I enjoy the illustrations by Jan Brett since my mom read so many of her books to me when I was a child.

25. Valentine: God’s Courageous Evangelist

This book is one of 6 in the Courageous Series by Voice of the Martyrs. This story weaves in the gospel message and reminds young readers that while romantic love is often the focus of Valentine’s Day, it is a good opportunity for us to reflect on God’s love for His people.

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