
Magnolia My Way // DIY Hanging Side Tables

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If you’ve watched Fixer Upper for some time, you may have noticed how Joanna loves to incorporate hanging side tables in bedrooms. I thought the idea was brilliant because it’s fun and unique. Unlike traditional side tables, this type is out of my toddler’s reach so she isn’t able to swipe all my tabletop contents onto the floor which is a big plus.

The pin below is from Joanna’s Kids Room Pinterest board and shows the hanging side tables she created for the bedroom her daughters share.


The trays pictured, previously available from Magnolia Market, were listed at $45 for a small one and $75 for a large one – not an amount I could justify spending.


To make my side tables from trays, I purchased the following items:

To make the table, I followed these steps:

  1. Paint the tray
  2. Screw the hook into the ceiling
  3. Hang the rope over the hook to determine where the tray should hang
  4. Cut the rope, wrap it around the handles a few times and tie it in a knot
  5. Enjoy your hanging side table!

The whole project was just under $35 for both side tables – much less than the trays Magnolia was advertising.

*NOTE* This concept is more pretty than practical – you may have to add more rope to help balance your table depending on what you will place on it.


Previously, we used the Lack side table by Ikea because how can you say, “No” to a side table for $7.99?

However, we added a foam mattress topper to our mattress which meant we were reaching down quite a bit to access the table. Our new side tables are much pretty, easier to reach and best of all, we didn’t have to bust our budget to create them!

What are your favorite DIY projects on a budget?

Check out the rest of the Magnolia My Way series by clicking on the images below:



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