My 2020 Good List

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For many of us, 2020 has felt like life in Narnia where it’s always winter but never Christmas. We’ve felt the tension of living between Jesus’ comings and have longed for Him to return and to experience everything being made beautiful in its time. When I think of 2020, I can’t help but think of these words: ” . . .The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,” Exodus 34:6. In a year of constant change, God’s unchanging character became so precious to me! 2020 has been an unexpected year in ways that were often disappointing. While the disappointment has been felt by nearly every human to some degree, there has also been so much good that 2020 has produced. I love how Laura Wifler of Risen Motherhood shared her 2020 Good List on Instagram as a means of pointing others to the goodness of Christ. To me, it was a sweet reminder that we can rejoice always even when it feels nearly impossible to do so. Following her example, here’s my 2020 Good List! Feel free to share yours in the comments or post it on Instagram using #2020goodlist.

1. Seeing God’s Character Apart from My Circumstances

Earlier this year, I remember one of the elders in my church sharing that his provision isn’t tied to a paycheck. He was uncertain as to whether or not he would keep his job in the midst of many people losing theirs yet his hope gave me hope. I also had a dear friend who had been mere inches from death in a car accident share that God would have remained good even if the outcome of the accident weren’t favorable. It’s reminders like those that my heart desperately needed. I believe that as an American in these present times, so much of how I’ve read the Bible and understood God has been limited by my experiences. This year has caused me to work toward having a perspective of God that is shaped more by His word than anything else. Exploring the cultural context of the Bible and digging deep into who God is has allowed me to see Him more clearly and to treasure Him increasingly.

2. Consistent Time With the Lord

Although my time with the Lord has been generally consistent, the years of early motherhood have made consistency a challenging thing to attain. Ava sleeping through the night has enabled me to consistently rise early, read my Bible, study, and pray with a clear mind. Personally, I thrive with discipline and a plan so I’m thankful to have that built into my routine again.

3. Studying Theological Triage

If ever there were a year for cultivating an understanding of this concept, 2020 was it. While you won’t find the term Theological Triage in the Bible, it is a really helpful idea for understanding how to prioritize which doctrinal matters are of first importance (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Theological Triage is also really helpful for understanding how to respond to doctrinal differences and division amongst Christians on matters of lesser importance. If you’re interested in learning about what this concept encompasses, start here. For further exploration of this topic, I highly recommend Gavin Ortlund’s incredibly helpful book, Finding the Right Hills to Die On.

4. My New (to Me) Camera

I’ve been wanting to upgrade my camera for years and this year I was finally able to! I purchased a used but sturdy Canon 6D and I’m in love with it. The increased ISO range is one of my favorite features along with the built-in wifi that allows me to use the Canon remote app on my phone, no external remote required! I used this camera along with my 50 mm lens to take vacation photos as well as family Christmas photos. When it comes to photography, I’m still learning and growing but it is quickly becoming a favorite hobby of mine!

5. Getting to Know My Neighbors

I’ve been especially grateful to God for placing us in our home at this point in history (Acts 17: 26) which happens to be surrounded by homes filled with families who are different than mine. Before we bought our house I prayed and asked God to only allow us to live here if it happened to be a place where we could be a light. I’m so humbled that He took into account that desire of mine and fulfilled it. I’m thankful that my kids have daily opportunities to interact with people who don’t look and live as we do. It’s sweet to teach them early on that all people have innate dignity, value, and worth as image-bearers of God (Genesis 1:26-27). While diversity has been a hot topic in 2020, and for good reason, I’ve struggled a bit with how to respond. The Bible makes it clear that diversity is God’s idea and that Jesus died to reconcile people of all tribes, tongues, and nations to God (Revelation 7:9). Yet with the push to make everything inclusive and diverse, it seems that people inadvertently end up using each other as a means to an end. Although the heart may be right in wanting to reflect what God has called good, I want to be careful about legalism creeping in and falsely convincing me that I’m right with God because I’ve achieved diversity in my relationships. After all, seeking to diversify solely for the sake of diversity is still “racism.” (I use the term in quotes because anthropologically speaking, the only race is the human race. For more on that, check out this helpful read from National Geographic – it’s not biblically based so be sure to keep that in mind if you read it. This doesn’t mean that evil acts of discrimination and prejucide, or what the Bible refers to as the sin of partiality [James 2:1-9], don’t happen. It simply means that we generally ascribe incorrect terminology to such incidences. )

6. Opportunities to Travel

In 2020 we were able to fly to California and Arizona to visit family. While I generally dread traveling with young children, our trips went well and were very sweet. I’m especially grateful that we were able to support the airline industry as we traveled and I’m super thankful that overall, our kids did really well on our trips!

7. Learning to Cherish the Church

2020 has deeply ignited in me a desire to understand ecclesiology biblically. The Lord has worked in my heart to grow my love for His bride and to consider in what ways I might nourish and cherish her (Ephesians 5:29). I’ve had many questions about what it looks like for the church to truly function according to God’s word which has lent itself to me spending more time becoming familiar with our sacred text. That time has been nothing short of sweet. Questions still remain about the doctrine of the church and I am hoping that as I continue to deeply study the Bible, I will find the answers I’m looking for. I’m convinced I will as the sufficiency of Scripture transcends seasons, cultures, and circumstances.

8. Aldi Pick Up

Oh, Aldi, how do I love you? Let me count the ways! In 2020, our local Aldi store quickly joined the grocery pick up crowd. Aldi pick up is powered by Instacart which saves my items so I can quickly restock my cart. The pick up fee is only $1.99 and the Aldi employees select food of the best quality and load everything into my car for me! I’ve noticed that we spend less money using Aldi pick up because it’s easier to keep track of what we’re spending. I don’t have to convince my one year old to stay seated in the cart and I don’t have to break up sibling fights while trying to shop. Although there is a slight upcharge on groceries, it is 100 percent worth it to me. I really love this service and hope it is here to stay!

9. Sweet Season of Marriage

Adjusting to married life was really challenging for me likely because it involved so many major life changes at once! Between pregnancies and the newborn stage, the last 5 years seem like a blur. In 2020, growing as a wife has been challenging and sweet. I’ve learned to enjoy my husband and the simple moments we have together. Having young children doesn’t often allow us frequent dates, trips, or nights away. I’ve grown content with the realization that while those things are helpful, they aren’t biblical requirements for a godly marriage. One of the things I most look forward to each day is the time Derek and I spend together at night watching a show or reading while our kids are in bed. I’m also excited to be in a season where we will be leading a Life Group together through our local church. If you know Derek, you know he constantly makes me laugh and that he is genuinely humble and sweet. Marriage has afforded me a front row seat in watching Derek become more like Christ and although our marriage, like all marriages, isn’t without its bumps and bruises, it certainly is sweet.

10. My Job

If you’re connected with me on social media, or you’ve been around here for some time, you know I’m a firm believer that social media is a wonderful tool for heralding the gospel message. In a culture and time where it seems to be a tool for fostering vitriol, hatred, and division, I’ve personally pledged to use it for redemptive purposes. My pastor took note and offered me the position of being the social media manager for my church. I was shocked and humbled to even be considered. It was my delight to accept the job and I’m hopeful for how the Lord can use our posts for His glory.

11. Studying 1 Corinthians

I can’t wait to share more about 1 Corinthians at some point but studying it in 2020 has been such a joy! When I was 24, I read through the entire Bible for the first time using this plan. I’ve read through it a few more times and have now committed to studying each book in depth before I die. My desire to study 1 Corinthians was fostered by my experience with postpartum depression after Addie’s birth. I observed that in 1 Corinthians, there is much talk of the body and spirit, and wanted to study that to see how it informs topics like mental illness and how the church cares for people who have such experiences. Much of 1 Corinthians is focused on unity in the church so it was really neat to experience God’s sovereignty as I studied this book in a year that in many ways was tumultuous for the church.

12. GCD Writer’s Guild

This group of Christian writers from around the globe has been such a treasure to me! There was another writers group I considered joining but the cost was a deterrent and I was really desiring to connect with Christian writers who share my love of God, His Word, and His bride. The Guild has provided me with opportunities to “meet” new writers, learn from experienced ones, and to band together with others whom God is using to share with the world who He is and what He’s done for us in Christ.

13. Baking Apple Pies

One of my favorite baking “hacks” is finding old Southern recipes that have stood the test of time. I made this apple pie for Thanksgiving using the pie crust recipe in the Magnolia Table, Volume 2 cookbook, and Derek LOVES it! The only thing I add to the pie is a good shake of cinnamon because it’s just the right thing to do. We also ensure that we have Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream on hand to enjoy with the pie. My mom bought me a KitchenAid stand mixer for Christmas which has helped with ensuring the ingredients in the pie crust are evenly mixed and the results are delicious!

14. God’s Sovereignty in Hurricane Laura

While I’m not thankful for the destruction caused by Hurricane Laura, I’m grateful for God’s mercy in the midst of it. This hurricane meant that Derek, who works for Verizon, deployed to Louisiana for two weeks straight to help reinstate a few hundred cell towers. It was hard parenting alone during that time but it was sweet to be reminded that I have everything I need in Jesus (Philippians 4:19). This opportunity allowed Derek to share the gospel with someone who had never heard it before and provided extra income for us. It also gave us a deep appreciation for basic necessities that we often take for granted. My heart has been encouraged as I’ve thought about the many people who my husband was able to love and serve by undertaking such a difficult task.

15. Multiple Direct Answers to Prayer

In addition to seeing God work in ways to preserve unity within my local church body, and the church at large, I saw him work in my family to bring some members to a doctrinally sound church. They had been attending a church that functioned as a cult and I had been praying for them for years. Once the shelter in place orders were enacted, they decided to virtually attend a doctrinally sound church where they are now members! It has been humbling and sweet to know that God indeed hears the prayers of the righteous (Proverbs 15:29). Experiencing direct answers to my prayers has spurred me on to pray without ceasing and to expect that God will answer according to His will and timing.

16. Sweet Season of Motherhood

Adjusting to motherhood was hard for me to the extent that I wasn’t sure if we would have more than one kid but I’m so glad that we do! The newborn stage is so wearying so being a bit removed from it has been delightful. Although my girls don’t get along perfectly, it has been sweet to see their relationship grow. Addie is very helpful and can often be found cuddling Ava or retrieving a comfort item for her when she is sad. She has a fun imagination and a wild spirit that I just adore. Ava is very much the baby and is very loved. She’s pretty naughty at times but also very sweet and snuggly. She calls Adalyne “Addie Doo” and the first question she asks when she wakes up in the morning or from a nap is, “Where’s Addie Doo?” I love my girls and I pray daily that amongst other things, they will be best friends.

17. Midnight Mercies Peer Group

At the conclusion of our Hume Lake trip, we spent our last evening at a hotel in Fresno so we would be close to the airport as we traveled home the next day. I’ll never forget sitting in our hotel room reading an email from my friend Christine. I began crying as she’d asked if I would consider participating in a peer group to help her write Midnight Mercies: Hope for the Dark Hours of Motherhood. Participation in the group has allowed me and a few other sweet ladies to share our experiences with depression in motherhood. For me, it’s been helpful to process through the postpartum depression I experienced after Addie’s birth. I’ve never publicly shared my experience with postpartum depression primarily out of fear. Receiving Christine’s email felt like the fulfillment of 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 for me. It is sweet to know that God was still at work in 2020 to the extent that a painful season in my life was redeemed! Being able to share my experiences with Christine and a few other ladies as she writes her book has allowed me in a small way to share with others the hope and comfort of Christ that sustained me through much darkness. I’m excited for other moms to find freedom knowing that depression isn’t sin and that nothing, not even depression, can separate them from God’s love in Christ.

18. Garage Project

Derek’s Dream House came with a 400 square foot detached garage which we’ve been planning on using as a hangout space. We’ve slowly worked on this project throughout the year and it is closer to completion than we expected it would be at this point. The garages in our community come unfinished which means that there was no insulation or drywall installed. The beams of the wall were exposed along with a swear word in Spanish that a previous owner spray painted on the wall. All that remains for us now is to add texture and paint to the walls. At some point, we’d like to add some brighter lights and I’d love to purchase this table and chairs to make it work as a homeschool space and an area where our neighborhood kids can hang out and play. We used Christmas money to purchase a projector similar and screen so can host movie nights for our neighbors as well as our church family.

19. Influencer Opportunities

Most of my influencer opportunities have come through my partnership with Influenster. This year, working with them has afforded me opportunities to work with some really neat brands including Humphrey’s Witch Hazel and Tom Ford Beauty. Posting about Humphrey’s on Instagram led to Tonic Products following me and wanting to partner in sharing about their Beauty Tonic which has been one of my favorite partnerships to date! I’m excited to test out new products in 2021 and I’m so thankful for the opportunities I’ve had in 2020.

20. Blog Refresh

Every few years, I love to update the look of my blog to make it more professional and user friendly. I had originally planned on purchasing a different theme for my blog but came across the one I’m currently using and it won me over. I love that my blog now operates more like a website and the internal changes have made it so much easier to add and update my Resources and Favorite Finds pages. My overall desire is for my site to be aesthetically pleasing and easy to use so I’m thankful that it’s moving in that direction!

I’m thankful for God’s faithfulness in 2020 and I’m so excited about how He will work in 2021! I’m hopeful knowing that there is a Day coming when everything will be as it should. May we fix our eyes on Jesus as we long for that glorious Day!

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