
In Our Book Basket: April

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Since April showers bring May flowers, many of the books in our April book basket have to do with rain, rainbows, and weather. Some titles have stories that occur in the spring, and others have lovely art that seem perfect for an April book basket. Click the link below to download a list of these titles to bring along with you on your next library visit!

April Book Basket

1. A Little Prairie House

This is a picture book adaptation of Little House on the Prairie and it tells of how Laura along with her sisters Mary and Carrie and her Ma and Pa, establish roots on a prairie. Some of the scenes are spring like making it a fun read for April.

2. A Rainbow of My Own

April book basket

You may recognize this book’s author as he penned the famous Corduroy books. This book is in our April book basket because I love vintage things, it’s a sweet story, and it seemed fitting considering April is known for its showers.

3. A Tree Is Nice

This book is a part of the kindergarten curriculum we use and although I didn’t purchase the supplementary books, we have a friend who did and gave us her books when she was through with them. This book helps children understand the many benefits trees provide such as shade, branches for drawing in the dirt, and places for their imaginations to soar. My girls love climbing trees and I know they’ll love this story!

4. Amelia Bedelia and the Suprise Shower

April book basket

This delightful story finds Amelia Bedelia helping plan a surprise shower. Although it’s a wedding shower, the silly mix ups along the way make this a fun read. My oldest daughter currently enjoys reading Amelia Bedelia books on repeat which made this a natural selection for our April book basket.

5. Baby Farm Animals

This book teaches little ones about farm animals that are usually born in the spring. I love the illustrations by Garth Williams who also illustrated the original Little House on the Prairie books. We have a farm near us and my kids love visiting and feeding the animals so it’s fun to read this book and recall the memories we’ve made.

6. Chrysanthemum

This story is about Chrysanthemum, a mouse who is made fun of by her classmates for her name. She eventually dreads going to school and her name only to discover that she is not alone in having a long name that is also the name of a flower. Her music teacher, Delphinium Twinkle, informs Chrysanthemum in front of the entire class that she is having a baby girl and considering naming her Chrysanthemum. From then on, the others in the class wich to be named after flowers too and Chrysanthemum learns to delight in her name.

7. Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs

April book basket

My children are familiar with the movie that is based off of this book but have yet encounter the original story. This classic seemed to be a perfect fit for our April book basket since it has to do with rain in a very silly way.

8. Eating the Alphabet

Repetition is always helpful in learning so a plethora of alphabet books have found their way into our home library including this one. My girls love this book and enjoy looking at the vibrant illustrations. The pages contain letters of the alphabet along with produce that begins with the corresponding letter. The end of the book contains a glossary that tells a bit about each type of produce. It’s been fun to learn about fruits and vegetables that we didn’t know existed and help my youngest daughter learn the alphabet at the same time.

9. Ella WHO?

This story is about a little girl who upon moving finds an elephant in her new house. She quickly befriends the elephant and they have fun adventures together until the elephant has to return to the animal sanctuary she escaped from. Throughout the book, the girl tells her family about an elephant but they mishear her and ask, “Ella who?” It’s a sweet story with a silly ending and I really enjoy the illustrations in this one.

10. Goodnight Moon

This is a classic children’s book that all my children have enjoyed at some point. This April in Texas, we are in the path of an eclipse in which the moon’s shadow will move across the country. While this book isn’t scientific, I thought it would be fun to read anyway as the eclipse approaches.

11. Gracie’s Garden

In this story, Gracie, along with her siblings Joshua and Sarah, begin to garden together. They plant many things accompanied by a squirrel named Nutty and learn that God can grow big things even from tiny seeds. This is a fun read for spring especially if you are gardening with your little ones.

12. His Grace is Enough

This is a sweet story that teaches little ones that God’s grace is enough to cover their sin because of Jesus. It helps them understand that they can’t make themselves right with God by doing good things but only by trusting in Jesus. Although the intended audience for this book is children, I find myself so encouraged every time I read it. You can read my review of His Grace is Enough here.

13. How to Hide A Butterfly & Other Insects

This is another book that was included in supplementary reading for the kindergarten curriculum we use. In rhyming format, it teaches children about different insects and how they use the cover of nature to hide from predators.

14. Jesus and the Gift of Friendship

The lovely floral illustrations in this book remind me of spring. The story is about Zeke who experiences loneliness and learns to go to Jesus, the ultimate friend, while he awaits for the provision of earthly friends. Although this is a children’s book, I believe the message is encouraging for adults readers too.

15. Miss Rumphius

I was introduced to the lovely Miss Rumphius in my third grade reader. What captivated me about this story is Barbara Cooney’s stunning illustrations and the story. I love that Miss Rumphius sought to use her life to make the world a better place. Every time I read this story, I’m encouraged to do the same by maximizing my life for Jesus. I also find it fun that the bluebonnet, the state flower of Texas, is a lupine so my children and I have the joy of seeing these in our own yard as we read the story.

16. Noah’s Ark

April book basket

As often as I can, I enjoy including Christian books, or books of a Christian nature in my book baskets. In selecting titles for our April book basket, I came across this older title and ordered a used copy. This book’s beginning contains a few words about the account of Noah’s Ark but it is primarily a book without words.

I think this is neat because the illustrations are captivating and it gives parents/guardians/teachers the opportunity to use the illustrations to have Bible centered conversations about why God flooded the earth and how He’s kept His promise to never flood the earth again.

17. Outside, Inside

April book basket

This book is about Molly who waits out a rainstorm by finding different things to do indoors. As the storm passes, she finds herself opening her door to enjoy the sunshine. We found this book for $.25 at a thrift store and I love its illustrations.

18. Paul: God’s Courageous Apostle

I’ve enjoyed including titles from this Courageous series by Voice of the Martyrs in my book lists for December, February, and March and would love to read all of the volumes with my kids throughout the year. This one gives children an overview of the life of Paul and encourages them to obey God even when it is costly. The book does mention that Saul was given a new name when he received a new mission and although this is not true (it seems to be a common misconception), I still find the book to be a helpful and encouraging read.

19. Rain

April book basket

This is another of Peter Spier’s children’s books that contains illustrations only. The pictures detail a brother and sister who find things to do on a rainy day and enjoy the beauty of their community once the rain ceases and the sun shines again.

20. Rain!

April book basket

This is the second title in our April book basket by Linda Ashman (the first being Ella WHO?). When I saw that it went with the April showers theme and included illustrations by Christian Robinson who illustrated Last Stop on Market Street, one of the selections in our February book basket, I was intrigued. This story is about a grumpy old man and a young boy who cross paths on a rainy day. The grumpy old man learns to enjoy the rain with a childlike spirit after the boy returns a hat he left behind at a cafe.

21. Singing In the Rain

April book basket

This book is named after the eponymous musical and the words are lines from the titular song. The illustrations contain children playing in the rain. I love the musical and seeing the lyrics paired with lovely illustrations is a fun way to introduce it to my children. I ordered a used copy of this book for April book basket and can’t wait for it it arrive!

22. The Butterfly Alphabet Book

We checked this book out at the library last year and I can’t wait to read it with my girls again. This is another one of my favorite alphabet books. It teaches children the alphabet and about various types of butterflies.

23. The Storm That Stopped

This book made its way into our April book basket because it is another Bible story about rain. Storms here in the south have scared me as an adult and I found comfort in knowing that I know the One who controls the wind and the waves. My children are scared when we experience and abundance of thunder and lightning so I’m excited to read this paraphrase of Mark 4:35-41 with them to encourage them that we can trust God even and especially when we’re afraid.

24. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

With spring’s arrival, we’ve observed many different kinds of caterpillars as we’ve spent time outdoors. This children’s classic tells about a caterpillar who eats his way through the week and ends up experiencing metamorphosis.

25. We Are The Gardeners

I purchased this book when it first came out because the cover drew me in! I love the illustrations and hand lettering. The story is about a family that works together to grow plants and chooses not to give up on gardening despite some setbacks along the way.

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